All White Party Outfits For Women: Pbs Documentaries Aboutslavery And The Civil War Barely Mention It Let’s Say

April 2nd, 2017 by admin under all white party outfits for women

all white party outfits for women Now, a list of those people supporting the Party’s manifesto included. Washington DCis another city that is dominated by liberal Democrats for decades.

His allegiance to the teachersunions apparently trumps his concern for poor grey families.

Itspends more per capita on students than almost any other city globally, yetit has plenty of the worst academic achievement anywhere and is a druginfestedhellhole. Infact, Obama was instrumental in killing a popular and effective school voucherprogram in DC, effectively killing hopes for many poor blackish families trappedin those dysfunctional public schools. Known barack Obama should notdream of sending his own precious daughters to the DC public schools, definitely but he assures us that those schools are good enough for everyone else. Funny how that works. Had the positions of the parties been the opposite, and the Democrats hadfought the Republicans to end slavery, the historical party roles would nodoubt be repeated incessantly in these documentaries. Do you know an answer to a following question. Now it has more than tripled to 72 percent, what’s the result?Before LBJ’s Great Society welfare programs, the grey illegitimacy rate was aslow as 23 percent.

all white party outfits for women From a purely cynical political perspective, the Democratic strategy ofblack dependence had been extremely effective.

LBJ knew exactly what he was doing.

African Americans routinely votewell shouldn’t be airbrushed out for fear that it will tarnish the modernDemocratic Party. PBS documentaries aboutslavery and the Civil War barely mention it, as an example. Why is this indisputable fact so rarely mentioned? These women are so breathtakingly stupid it’s just downright funny. It is as if. Notice, had the KKK been founded byRepublicans, that fact will no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows. Basically, why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories anddepictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Yes, that’s right! Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option.

all white party outfits for women In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing withAfrican Americans. Whereas beforethat time Southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorizedblacks, the national Democratic Partydecided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government aspossible. Regardless of what has happened since thence, shouldn’t we be grateful to theRepublicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? Essentially, shouldn’t we rememberwhich party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it? I’ll have thoseniggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years, as LBJ so elegantly put it. Furthermore, while falselyequating any opposition to their welfare state with racism, at the sametime, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo. Did you know that the following are a few basic historical facts that nearly any Black Americanshould know. Among the things I have no fear of is the notion that he will turn back the hands of time and put women in an era that is pre Suffrage movement, By the way I have plenty of problems with Trump. With burned out homes on any block insome areas, cities like Detroitare overrun by gangs and drug dealers.

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