Because I Love You I Need To Speak Out About This – Modest Prom Dresses

August 2nd, 2016 by admin under modest prom dresses

modest prom dresses I need to speak out about this, as long as I love you.

All memories the talks we had while making the trip to Lexington to pick out my dress. It was not so a long time ago in the past that if a girl wore as little fabric assome most every girl did last year, they would be labeled some not so nice names…. Generally, sadly, these days that is likely to be a dying art. Make sure you leave some comments about it in the comment section. Part of being a lady is embracing femininity. She was pretty strict on what I wore. Oftentimes it was such an exciting time with my mom! They are not even seeing her outer beauty, bolywoord when a person looks at a picture of your daughters and posts smokin hot, my friends they are not seeing her inner beauty. And I enjoyed making my share of mud pies growing up, my mom raised me to be a lady, as much as I surely can ride a horse and shoot a gun. One of her classes required she attend prom and she had to fulfill the requirements to graduate. One thing is for sure though, my mom and I was always modest in our selection. They are seeing a piece of meat. In spite the fact that she did attend one prom herself, not by choice, she was raised to not participate in them. Now regarding the aforementioned fact. My mom was not keen on any dances at school. Also, she was raised to be a modest woman and she raised me to be a modest woman.

My husband remembers his prom vaguely. And now here’s a question. When did elegance and dressing like a lady get thrown out the window for prom? As a teen with raging hormones, he was no different than the teens with raging hormones today. Here is a great article to read about other people who asks this. He does remember respect level and courtesy he had for the dresses his classmates wore to prom. The young ladies wearing more provocative dresses as wild and hot, he viewed the young ladies wearing the modest clothing as pure and innocent. My husband is a stand up man and a strong Christian raising our boys to be strong Christians. This is how boys think and this is how you must think when picking out the right dress.

Recently, I posted an article for dressing appropriately Here is something else to think about.

YES, men are accountable for their own sins. It is ladies, if you’re out at the mall and your husbands are lusting after a woman who was dressed in similar fashion to what the short skimpy styles are for prom, wouldn’t you have a real issue with that? YES, men might be responsible for their own actions around young ladies. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Persuasion power from peer pressure and young men with raging hormones can be difficult to overcome, we like to assume that our daughters will make the right choices during this memorable evening. This is a father’s nightmare because he remembers how he was at that age. Teen boys with raging hormones and barely dressed young ladies just do not mix! There’s a lot more info about it on this site. What are we doing to the young men at proms by sending them out to prom with a daughter that is barely dressed and expecting them to behave themselves? Normally, we gonna be taking great pains, especially those of us who are Christians, to not lay a trap for them. Nevertheless, lots of the problems men have with porn starts as teens! In this day and age men have enough problems with porn and lust. With all that said. The Bible tells us to not be a stumbling block to others.

The posts bothered me very much and I have prayed for these girls.

What makes me the most sad is that every single picture I saw on my feed of girls like this were from Christian homes. Let us not forget the scripture and the teachings that we as mommas should pass on to our children, sons and daughters alike -women are to adorn themselves in modest apparel, god loves us regardless of our clothing. However, what are we teaching our sons and daughters? This doesn’t say every night except prom, or if short sequence dresses are in style then it’s okay to ss it all in for one night. We are to adorn ourselves in modest apparel ALL the time.

I began reading the comments left by various people, as I sat scrolling through my news feeds and seeing the beautiful young ladies in their prom dresses.

It’s a good idea to be known as a beautiful young lady who looked like a lady? HOT! These beautiful young ladies ranged in ages from middle school through high school. Also, you’re SMOKIN! Anyway, the comments I read included, Wow! Eventually, do you wish her to be known by how smokin hot she was on prom, even if she is a senior in high school. Needless to say, wHY my friends would allow their daughters to wear dresses like the ones I was looking at. Quite a few the dresses that I saw barely covered anything! Mommas, is that really how you want your daughters to be known? Look how hot!

This is a special time for you and especially your daughters. Know what true modesty is and what your limits are. You should still still ask for their opinion, if your parent is not a Christian. Christian lady who dresses modestly that can mentor you and even assist you in picking out a modest dress that is in accordance with God’s Word. Here are some tips for both the parent and the daughter. With that said, biblical modesty does state that the thighs should not be showing and that your chest should’ve been covered. Eventually, if you are unsure on modesty level you should go to, I would encourage you to first speak with your parents or whomever is in authority over you. How do you find a modest prom dress, if you have prayerfully considered allowing your sons or daughters to attend prom. Those are private areas that could be reserved for your husband. Normally, who wants to be the parent that forbid their daughter to attend prom? Ask your husband what he thinks, if you are married and reading this for a formal affair.

It is that year time to start looking for dresses for your daughters!

It’s likely that you began shopping for dresses months ago. I hope you will hear my heart in this post, if you have already started this sometimes tedious process. Dresses for proms, dresses for formals, dresses for ‘semi formals’, it is such a wonderful time to make memories for daughters as well as mothers. Last year at prom time I sat scrolling down my news feed and my heart broke, literally broke! This is where my mom got her thought about proms from, honestly, this is something my husband and I will have to be in prayer about as our boys grow older. I have another cover prom I want to share with you, before I get into quite a bit of this post.

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