It Blesses Them And Me: Polka Dot Dress

August 2nd, 2016 by admin under polka dot dress

polka dot dressWhat a blessing to leave your clothes for those ladies in Cuba -I always do that when I go on a missions trip -I leave a bunch of my clothing with the missionary or for some specific ladies.

Great encouragement for us all day who have very much to be thankful for. AND the good Lord knows we ALL are blessed with abundance. Great reminder for us not to hold onto anything God has given it all to us anyway! It blesses them and me.

Cindy, You are such an inspiration. Things do work out wonderfully sometimes if we only have faith! This is a cute polka dot dress o and now when you wear it you can lady think you gave the other one o and just imagine how blessed she feels to have received it. Now let me tell you something. God blessed you by giving you another polka dot dress. You are such a beautiful lady. There is no great joy for me than to give to those who are truly in need. Now please pay attention. May God continue to bless you and your family greatly. Absolutely beautiful. Your story of how you gave up your polka dot dress that you loved to a lady that God ld you to give it to is amazing.

polka dot dress There are times where I felt a nudge from the Lord to bless someone but second guessed myself for various reasons, and I’ve found that when I truly believe the Lord is asking me do something, He will make it beautiful. Reading about her gift blessed me and others as well. Not only does my obedience bless the recipient, God blesses my heart as well! Cyndi gave to this dear woman was a beautiful, sacrificial example of servant hood unto the Lord. Reminds me of Matthew ‘263536’, Jesus said, For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…, I needed clothes and you clothed me… Whatever you did for amidst the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.

Thank you for day!

Africa. Basically, your comment about leaving the dress behind made me smile.

Pennyrile Polka Dot Dress//Heels//Bracelet//Earrings//Bracelet I’m so honored that you have taken time out of your day to stop by my blog. Facebook, Pinterestand my favorite one. You cansign up to receivemy daily emailsand you’ll never miss a thing, if you don’t want in the even you don’t intend to miss a post.

Beautiful story Cyndi of faithfulness on your end and on God’s end!

It’s just a thought. Matthew You seem like such an ideal hearted person who cares very much for other people. Lots of info can be found by going on the web. The dress is so pretty and I am thinking of ordering it but I’m 5′ 3″. Let me tell you something. Gods word wherever you can. Cute dress and you look great as always. It was truly a thoughtful and caring thing you did for that women. In helping, sometimes we don’t mean to but showing off our good deed can make the beneficiary feel bad. We can never out give the Lord can we! With the stripe hemline I couldn’t hem it.

LOVE this dress! Though I have a bad back nowadays so always have to wear flats or at least a very low heel. She has never heard of Loft, Banana Republic, Gap, etc She blessed me beyond words and I will always hold her close to my heart and pray for her and her family. Make sure you write some comments about it in the comment box. French! Mind you, I always love the clothes you style, Cyndi -you have such amazing taste! It’s so me and exactly thing sort I’d buy!

It was really nice of you to leave the dress and other clothes in Cuba.

Cuba and what the clothing situation is like. So here’s a question. They have clothing stores similar to ours, right? It challenged me to think of what I cherish and how I might give it to someone who could benefit far more from it than I can. I’m sure it sounds familiar.|Doesn’t it sound familiar?|Sounds familiar?|right? Where to they get clothing? To God be the glory! Just keep reading. LOVE giving things away to people but I’m not going to lie, it would be a problem to give away the very things that define part of who I am.

polka dot dress

Wish I got the photos from your email but they don’t come thru.

It’s SO beautiful, you being willing to be obedience to the Lord. Thank You! This dress is me, can dress it up with a, short white sweater, when it’s cooler ha and like you said can do flats. Anyways, more so our Lord, christ as well as us. Love the stripes at the bottom. There is a lot more information about it on this site. Now she has a pretty polka dot dress, bless her heart. For your beauty inside. Now please pay attention. The glamour farms one is adorable too. Then, was out of town, just finished opening all my emails. Only those on your website do. Bless You!

July 22, 2016 By Cyndi

This dress is a silky knit and it’s fully lined.

My father ld me when we where trying to plan a trip in the 80’s to visit my grandmother. American and Cuban on my father’s side. Nonetheless, that’s my kind of dress! He said, we will leave all the clothes in Cuba. God did speak to you! This is one of those dresses you can wear all day and it’s not going to wrinkle. God Bless you!

What a wonderful story especially in these difficult times in our nation. Great story Cyndi! Like yourself, there are truly good people, who think of others and follow God’s plan. That said, we all need to listen to that little voice telling us what to do even if it doesn’t seem like the best timing. Just think for a moment. God knows so much more than we do! What I really love is your sevant’s heart for our Lord and your obedience to Him! Thank you! Anyways, you bless me every day. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. You look beautiful in the new dress as always.

What a great story Cyndi!

God bless! With that said, what a great story Cyndi! The GF polka dot dress is so pretty and looks really comfortable. The Cuban woman does look so pretty in the polka dot dress. The Cuban woman does look so pretty in the polka dot dress. Southern Baptist and have always said that God has to hit me on the head sometimes to get my attention. The GF polka dot dress is so pretty and looks really comfortable. Also, southern Baptist and have always said that God has to hit me on the head sometimes to get my attention. Known god bless!

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