My Clothes Come Back Clean: Blog

September 17th, 2016 by admin under all party dresses

all party dresses I take it for wet cleaning, when I absolutely MUST take a favorite piece of clothing that can’t be laundered in the premises.

My clothes come back clean, soft and I know that toxic chemicals are not coming into our home.

This process also presents a reduced health hazard to its employees and is better for the environment.a few years ago I found a progressive cleaner here in Denver and could not be happier. You should take it into account. Energy, Water, Land and similar natural resources and dyes and bleaches, even for fibers like bamboo and rayon. Also, the Nature Conservancy notes the following environmental impacts on clothing production. We’ll calculate local taxes and charges at checkout So there’re no surprises when your parcel arrives, in order to keep things simple.

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For me, the bigger picture involves not only health for me but for the global community!

PERC is another toxic chemical that I had no clue was so harmful, or so pervasively used. Cool! I recently read about The Clothing Cocktail, and I will definitely have to give it a try! One sprays inexpensive vodka on clothing, especially where perspiration has collected. Anyway, the alcohol from the vodka kills bacteria that causes odor, so dries quickly. Here’s a great article on other nontoxiccleaning alternatives you can use indoors! Have you heard of something like this before? In my previous life as a professional I had been dropping my favorite blouses, trousers and jackets off at a PERC dry cleaners and bringing them home for years.

When I learned about the toxicity of PERC in dry cleaning it scared the dollarsign # ^ out of me, in order to be totally candid. Wet cleaning is a EPA approved alternative to traditional dry cleaning that involves laundering garments with environmentally safe detergents in a computer controlled washer and dryer. Consumer Reports found that liquid CO2 performed even better than PERC. Normally, another greenish garment cleaning method uses Liquid Carbon Dioxide (COin place of PERC together with other ‘non toxic cleaning’ agents. They are not environmentally friendly and outgas their own chemicals. Somewhere along the line I hope that all cleaners can find a way to replace the plastic bags that are used to cover clothing. Thank you for this great article about this issue with all the helpful links!

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