Party Style Dresses – You’ll Look Great

November 13th, 2016 by admin under party style dresses

party style dresses Forever do I wish I should have this article circa 2012 when I attended my first college frat party!

I decided dressing like my counterparts was NOT the way to go, just after a two week long cold followed.

Like Amelia, being that the lack of these words I suffered MAJOR cloning like during my senior year when I and later you will have to confront hertwo days later while standing in line at the cafeteria waiting your turn for the waffle machine. You will regret being cold, and you will wish you listened to your mom when she ld you to wear a turtleneck and tights.

party style dresses Dressing up to go out in college is like Halloween as a kid.

Wear a jacket.

You might lose it. Just sew your name in it. Take my word for this. Add a skirt over itto avoid the clone thing, wear a slip. Now look. Drinking until you’re warm,Amelia, ain’t a healthy option. Doesn’t it sound familiar? Wear a jacket. Long as you’re committed to knee sweat should the party be over capacity, thigh high’ boots with a low heel solve the tights problem. Aside from that, it was some good ol dime a dozen crop ps and bandage skirts from F21, now rotting in the depths of storage desperately searching for another dimly lit beer soaked Friday night on the dance floor. Wore many a Superga in my fratting days, I’m somewhat proud to say. Also, specific sport to remain nameless but know I’m not judging.

Looking like a clone can happen anywhere, definitely it happens in bars and in beach wns and where sequins are concerned on New Year’s Eve but it’s especially easy on a college campus considering your limited resources.

Clothes seem to merge like ‘postsyllabusweek’ homework assignments the moment you set foot on educational ground, that means that the outfits at this frat party night might be more incestual than the ‘hookup’ habits of that one coed athletics team.

We’ve all had cabin fever. Rest of you can risk high shine for the sake of a cool outfit. Start with a pair of sneakers that you feel comfortable sacrificing and hereupon make them the main shoes you wear out ever.You will ruin them. Look, there’s a murky blackish substance that lives thefloor of all ALL frat house basements and bars and not even the strongest dose of OxiClean can get it out.

Your shoes need to be warriors. Let me ask you something. Basically the bottom of your pants? Addpajama pants with a going out shirt, a bustier layered over and a button down. Now you’d want to exchange it with among for any longer as his goes with your overall look. It will make a great Instagram. Probably ruined, gonna be great.

Wear very similar thing a shirt and jeans therefore twist a skirt that clashes over your p to act as a belledout corset.

At my school you have to have a ‘frat’ for ages being that the frats are so gross.

It’s essentially very cheap clothing that you are not much interested in and wouldn’t car if you ruined it, lost it, it got stolen, and similar It’s kind of like the jacket you were talking about Amelia, that we call frackets. As someone that goes to frat parties every weekend I find this article as a change for awhile being that we could never wear any of these things out. Special thanks to our model Kira Shipway. Follow Kira on Instagram @kiraship. Styled by Amelia Diamond, Photographed by Krista Anna Lewis. Blazers = deep pockets, that may eliminate your need for a purse. Seriously. So if you leave your blazer behind, no worries! For instance, not from the frat boys, but from a lot of girls who chose the skirt/heel route, To be honest I always hated how wearing unconventional outfits to frat parties will garner stares.

I’d do this every single weekend with T shirt dresses + stockings, hippie pants + turtle necks, ps + leggings, always with my indestructable chunky blackish boots.

20 bucks from the Salvation Army, cut out the shoulder pads, let the musty thrift store scent fade and add it to literally any outfit, Buy a bundle of cheap blazers for &gt.

You’re only out a couple bucks and have a bundle of other cheap, funky blazers for future evenings. Therefore the outfit possibilities are endless. My best college party fashion tip for combating an attack of the clones or freezing weather. However, love these ideas. On p of this, as if it was offensive to show up to amidst the grossest places on earth in something comfortable. Nonetheless, my friend calls them bar jackets. Just keep reading.

Affordable!!!!!!!!!! For awhile whenever midterms are over I’m preparing to replicate these looks to some cool stuff from my ability and send all of my pics in the Team MR group chat. Fact she’s wearing sneakers in a look I went to a college with frat parties for 1 year and sneakers are a VERY good choice.

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