The Carrying Of Parasols: S Afternoon Dresses

August 27th, 2016 by admin under garden party dresses

garden party dressesAnother trend was to add bold accessories dress instead being the primary look.

Parasols carrying, umbrellas, furs, long shawls, and larger purses became the focal point of many looks. Did you know that the dress became the background and the accessories the fashion spotlight. With all that said… Into 1928 and 1929 the fancy decoration was all but gone. That said, elegance was in the dresswhich lines was far more tailored now. Just think for a moment. Prints were less favored over solid colors again and all in all the hues were a shade darker than before. Therefore, dusty rose became redish, pal blue became cobalt blue, sage greenish was now hunter light green. Although, there was a change also as formal afternoon parties were becoming a lot more casual. Instead of elaborate tea parties with sporting games now folks enjoyed picnics and finger food luncheons followed by a game of cards. Casual afternoons meant more casual clothing and a greater divide between afternoon and evening looks. Nonetheless, the semi formal dress was disappearing out of wardrobes everywhere.

By the mid 1920s afternoon dresses were losing the dainty lace and organdy trim in favor of prints and shiny satin or taffeta fabrics. The 1926 dresses above reflect the new shorter skirts and dropped waists but also mixing trend prints and solids. Generally, the fancy was created by bolder colors and statelier accents like the big bow on the center left dress. Although, the most popular party to attend or host in the summer months was an outdoor tea or garden party. Consequently, often these events included some lawn games like croquet, bocce ball, or badminton. Now look, the attire was more formal than your day or street wear yet not quite as formal as going sleeveless in a beaded gown. So afternoon party dress was elegant, light, and often almost white. Eventually, if you were of means, indoor house parties welcomed most colors appropriate to the season the summer months, meant wearing almost white.

While playing lawn games, white is very easy to get dirty, especially outside.

Clothing required frequent laundering to keep its pure almost white color. For instance, this was often a house task servant in wealthier households. Now pay attention please. Middle classes might have a whitish lawn dress if they felt up to keeping challenge it clean, otherwise dusty rose, blueish, yellowish, dark green, or lilac were better color choices. With organdy or eyelets to allow even more cool air to flow in, fabrics were very light and sheer cotton. Or linen with open weave lace. Oftentimes summer weight fur…. Fact, its possible women wore their furs in the summer evenings. Like you said it was about wearing your nicest thing even if the weather was against it.

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As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Grey women at a tea party.

As a lover of dance and vintage what a find in this blog! Blackish women at a tea party.

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